Tuesday 29 October 2013

Making Game of Thrones: Dragon’s Breath

Over at the official Making Game of Thrones production blog, Cat Taylor shares a scene from early in the fourth season filming, when the production put together some tests to simulate visual effects for the dragon flames that will be seen this season. Here’s an excerpt, right from the end:

As the dragons grow and start to test their power, their fire breathing will get stronger and more powerful. The Dragons are legend for a reason and this season we will get a hint of why. The final tally, 22 canisters and 400 litres of gas – all for just one day in Essos.

For more, visit the blog

via Game of Thrones: News http://www.westeros.org/GoT/News/Entry/Making_Game_of_Thrones_Dragons_Breath

Thursday 17 October 2013

A Notable Casting

Word’s out that an actor has been cast in a role that is, frankly, something of a spoiler… so see below the cut for the relevant information

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via Game of Thrones: News http://www.westeros.org/GoT/News/Entry/A_Notable_Casting

Thursday 10 October 2013

New Figurines from Dark Horse

The New York Comic Con has opened, and with it Dark Horse has revealed a brand new series of Game of Thrones figurines that will soon be on sale. The three new figures will be joining the Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen figures that Dark Horse announced back in July. And who are these three figures? None other than Tyrion Lannister, Ned Stark, and Khal Drogo.

The full press release, and additional images from Dark Horse, can be found below the cut.

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via Game of Thrones: News http://www.westeros.org/GoT/News/Entry/New_Figurines_from_Dark_Horse